Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One Heart, Right Relation – the Only Way to Grow!

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What sustains us?  RELATIONSHIP
In right relation, anything is possible.  Relationship fosters healing.  We are longing for a true connection from the heart.  The kind you can feel.  How do we move away from the isolated way we are living, in boxes, to a thriving community?  How do we begin living and growing in balance and harmony, just like the forest?  My thoughts…
We need to create communication and honest interaction fostering authenticity in all.  We each need to reconnect to our own true nature to bring harmony back to our homes. Children are teachers ~ if we foster their expression ~ and they will guide us.  
We are all (mostly) willing to sacrifice for family and people we love to the end of a poor relationship with self.  This pattern leaves us with an empty tank.  A relationship with self includes knowing your needs, and respecting your nature.  Caring for yourself and listening to yourself is the only way of ensuring the tank is always full.  We are so busy keeping up with the illusion of security for our family that we have fallen out of harmony with each other and  most importatantly, ourselves.  We have lost the value of a good conversation, a sharing of one’s self, or a heart to heart to help clarify and express.  Where are the family meetings, the council with elders?  Through connection we thrive, through sacrifice we survive, but at what cost?  How do you numb yourself to the sadness and confusion of our times?  Where are you hiding? Behind the computer? Watching TV?  Working?  Minding other people’s business?  Shopping?  Fixing? Reading? Eating? Trying to control your environment, your children, your wife, your husband?  Drinking?  Drugs?  Sex?   Pornography?  Why are we hiding?  What do we long for?  
I believe we all do it for family.  Most belief systems I have learned about value the tribe (the family).  The tribe is alive in our hearts and we long to thrive.  Let the conversations on truth, personal and universal truths, spark the the fire that is going to fuel our hearts and guide us towards growth.  Because if we’re honest with ourselves, how much longer can we keep doing what we’re doing and what is the cost?
Our children do not have rites of passage, and teachings to guide them because we are all too busy trying to get by.  It makes no sense.  Children are our future, we must find ways to strengthen and support them. Like a Life school!!
What can you do to be more present and aware without falling into one of your defenses, like projection, excuses, blame or an over reaction?  Be honest with yourself and don’t be afraid to share what you realize….

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